Video courtesy of Cadet Michael Lapinski '26
Welcome to the Office of TSGB & Marine Programs
This area oversees much of what makes Cal Maritime such a unique learning environment.
Training Ship Golden Bear
Training Ship Golden Bear serves as the primary training platform on which cadets apply technological skills introduced in the classroom and leadership skills acquired from their work assignments and responsibilities with the Corps of Cadets. Each summer, cadets in their first and third years depart with licensed faculty officers for two months during Summer Sea Term. During these periods at sea, intellectual learning, applied technology, and leadership development blend daily as cadets apply what they have learned in the classroom, in the lab, in the Corps, and on the waterfront.
We are very excited about our new multi-million dollar Navigation Laboratory (NAV Lab). We are in the process of providing the NAV Lab with "state of the art" navigation equipment. We feel this will result in the finest navigation training platform available in the country.
Those working toward a license can feel the responsibility of command, demonstrate their effectiveness as leaders, and refine their technical skills and leadership styles. All cadets, whether in the license programs or not, can interact with other countries and cultures to learn about the peoples who are their hosts. They can also experience connections to the larger global maritime environment and develop an understanding of how their selected vocations will function in the context of an international setting. In this way, the Summer Sea Term enhances the global awareness of cadets as they apply the intellectual and practical training they have received during the school year.
Office of Marine Programs
The Office of Marine Programs oversees much of what makes Cal Maritime a unique learning environment. This department manages all shipboard and waterfront training and the professional development of cadets. Perhaps one of the most exciting opportunities you will be exposed to while at Cal Maritime is the training that takes place out of our historic Boathouse, and our Marina. You will train on everything from rowboats to work boats to tug boats, and on Training Ship Golden Bear. We are very proud of our excellent small boat program. We believe this is the best small boat handling program in the Nation.
Marine Programs also manages the Summer Sea Term taken by cadets in their first and third years. This is an excellent opportunity to immerse oneself in the essence of shipboard life. Not only will you learn every aspect of operating an ocean going ship, you will also visit exciting foreign ports throughout the Pacific Rim.
Office of Marine Programs may be reached at 707-654-1192.
Waterfront and Maritime Operations
During the fall and spring, specialized training occurs on our fleet of rowboats, work boats, tug boats, and T-boats. Under the aegis of the Maritime Operations department, classes in water safety, shipboard maintenance, operations, management, and small boat handling are taught throughout the year.
When entering our historic Boathouse for the first time, one can not help but feel the pride and traditions of maritime life. This is where it all starts. You will progress through our fleet of small vessels, starting with our double-ended rowboats and ending with our tug, crew boat and t-boats.
Every cadet also participates in classes aboard our 500-foot floating laboratory, Training Ship Golden Bear. In addition, cadets participating in the Summer Sea Term take a U.S. Coast Guard Lifeboatman exam and must pass both written and practical tests.
Not every CSU student can claim they have a 500-foot ship docked in their "front yard."
Capt. Samar Bannister
Director of Marine Programs & Captain of Training Ship Golden Bear
Summer Sea Term
Training Ship Golden Bear History