An important part of the annual Cal Maritime Commencement ceremony is the speech delivered by a member of the graduating class. This five-minute speech provides an opportunity for the audience - your fellow graduates, your families, and the faculty and staff in attendance - to hear a voice from a new graduate of the Academy. Seniors are invited to consider preparing a speech for review by the their peers and the selection committee.

By having a cadet speech, we acknowledge the centrality of students in our educational enterprise. Although a single cannot presume to speak for the whole class, the best speeches are those that blend personal perspective with a sense of the significance of this moment in time. Commencement presents a natural time for expressing joy and gratitude. The occasion of the completion of your undergraduate degree also presents an opportunity to reflect on the past, present, and future; a chance to share where your journey, your worldview, and your aspirations for the unknown future in which you will exercise leadership.

Don't hesitate to reach out to faculty, staff, and your peers for assistance with developing your speech draft. In addition, the cadet selected to speak will work with members of Academic Affairs and the faculty who will collaborate on editing and preparing to deliver your speech. 

The entire Cal Maritime community wishes each of you the best as you reach the happy conclusion of your studies. 


Tips for Writing an Effective Commencement Speech  

  • Brevity - You have only five minutes for your speech. Your comments should be relevant, clear, and concise.
  • Occasion - It is a privilege to be chosen to speak on this occasion.  Put at least as much effort into preparing this speech as you would into writing a crucial class paper. The chosen speeches will be heard by over 2,000 guests and participants. 
  • Role of the Speaker - Take your role seriously. You may not be speaking "for the whole class," but you are a representative of Cal Maritime, speaking before the assembled faculty, family and friends, and fellow cadets, as well as before Interim President Michael J. Dumont and CSU Trustees. A commencement speech should make the community proud.
  • ContentIt is not enough to want to speak at the commencement ceremony; you must have something to say. Reflect on your experiences and education at Cal Maritime. Your audience will be interested in hearing intelligence, passion, and wit. Don't be pretentious or pompous, but write a speech that takes a subject, a tone, and a form appropriate to the day.

Content to avoid:

  • Personal statements of gratitude to individuals or loyal family and friends, unless they are also generalized as the shared experience of all those graduating.
  • Memories about parties.
  • Inside jokes only understood by your division, company, or major. 
  • Statements about how hard everyone has worked. These are obvious and worn.
  • Apologies.
  • Slang.

Advice from Others

Submit Your Speech and Audition

  • Deadline to Submit: March 10, 2025
  • In-Person Audition: March 27, 2025

Note: Speeches chosen will be submitted to an editorial process for polishing. No matter how much effort you put into your text, be prepared to do what professional writers do: consider editorial changes to improve it. We look forward to your submission!