Interested in a tutoring job?

We are looking for students who have a passion for learning, enjoy working with others, and want to gain experience as an academic leader on campus. If you are interested in applying, please complete the online Cal Maritime Tutoring Services Application (only current cadets enrolled full-time eligible for consideration).

We are currently in the hiring process for tutors for the 2024-2025 school year! Please complete the application linked above. The application will be open until March 1st. After that point we will conduct interviews throughout March and early April, with decisions given in mid-April. 

If you have questions please contact theTutoring Department


Tutors vs Supplemental Instructors

Tutoring Services is hiring both tutors and supplemental instructors. They are both tutoring positions, but each with a slightly different focus and format. You may apply to work as both an SI and a tutor.

Tutors provide wide-ranging support on a topic as a whole. They will see students from a range of classes within their stated subject(s). This support is more generalized and tutors are not expected to have knowledge of specific assignments or professor expectations. Rather, they have knowledge of the content area and can guide students at various stages in their learning. In almost all cases tutors provide 1-1 support. 

Supplemental instructors (SI) are tutors who are assigned to a specific class. They offer more directed support on the assigned class. SIs work with students in their assigned class to help them understand assignments and larger concepts. They work with the professor to gain knowledge of assignments and expectations. However SIs are not teaching assistants, and as such they are not required to attend every class nor do they grade papers or assignments. SIs will work with the Coordinator for Student Academic Support and the professor to determine if the SI will attend a small number of classes. SIs often work 1-1, but they also work with small groups, and lead study sessions (especially before tests and projects). 


Minimum Qualifications

  • Demonstrated content area knowledge with minimum 3.0 GPA (this could be filled with institution, cumulative, or previous 2 semesters) 
  • Successful completion of all courses supported with minimum B grade
  • Positive faculty recommendations for each subject/course supported
  • SIs must have completed the assigned course with a B+ or higher (you can also fill this requirement through transfer credit)



If you have any recommendations for new tutors, specifically in the areas listed above,  please fill out this form: Tutor Recommendation Form

If you would like to request a supplemental instructor for your class, please fill out this form: SI Request Form (Please note: unless you have already spoken with a student about becoming your SI, then an SI is not guaranteed.)