Through a collaborative approach to forecasting and evaluation of risks potential together with the identification of procedures to avoid or minimize impact.

Here you will find information regarding insurance requirements for vendors; various campus insurance programs; student activities including off-campus activities and guidelines for field trips, special events and campus activities; guidelines for accident procedures, Risk Management forms and many other subjects associated with minimizing losses.

Risk Management is committed to minimizing losses that may arise from or interfere with Cal Maritime and its Auxiliaries' pursuit of its mission to educate students.



The Chancellor's Office staff and representatives of Auxiliary Organizations within the CSU have been developing a systematic approach to managing risk exposures now prevalent across CSU campuses

One avenue of reform has been to restructure the overall risk management program on a more collaborative basis. Special legislation was obtained to permit both the CSU as a state agency, and Auxiliary Organizations as separate nonprofit corporations, to create a quasi-public entity to establish and perform pooled group insurance and related risk management functions for the benefit of all who elect to join the new entity and to participate therein.

On January 1, 1997, the CSURMA was formed by the CSU and those qualified Auxiliary Organizations that opted to join with intentions to participate in the risk management programs to be offered by the Authority.

The CSURMA presently has several risk management programs in effect including the Pooled Liability Program, the Pooled Worker's Compensation Program, the IDL/NDI/UI Program, the Property Program, the Athletic Injury Medical Expense (AIME) Program and the Auxiliary Group Purchase Insurance Program (AGPIP) (refer to JPA Structure, Section C).

The first three programs are designed for participation by CSU campuses, the Property and the AIME programs are designed for both campus and Auxiliary Organizations participation, and the latter program for participation by only the Auxiliary Organizations.

One of the primary goals of the CSURMA is to develop a forum for the Auxiliary Organizations and the CSU to develop strategies that streamline and integrate the risk management practices of the CSU system.

Self Insured Letter

Auxiliary Organizations Risk Management Alliance (AORMA) was established to provide group purchase comprehensive business insurance coverages for the CSU's non-profit Auxiliary Organizations. Participation in the programs is voluntary. Coverages provided include liability, workers' compensation, property, crime, unemployment insurance, auto physical damage, participant accident insurance and miscellaneous coverages.

The system-wide Technical Letter RM 2012-01 defines policy and insurance requirements required by the California State University. The insurance limits and hold harmless provisions as specified in this letter are required unless the campus, after following the "risk identification and evaluation" procedure as described herein, determines that the limits should be altered. For construction projects, The California State University established a Builders Risk Insurance Program (BRIP; aka: Course of Construction (COC) insurance) through which campuses enroll their major projects for course of construction insurance coverage and an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) through which campuses enroll their major projects for general liability and workers compensation insurance coverage. Also available are Owners Protective Professional Indemnity and Contractor's Pollution Liability coverages.

In the practice of good risk management, we attempt to transfer the risk of accidental loss to vendors, suppliers, contractors, and users of campus facilities by requiring them to insure themselves and the campus against claims associated with their products, services, and activities.

This transfer of risk is not effected until the other party issues the required policies and endorsements at required coverage limits.  The insurer must meet or exceed requirements for balance sheet strength and operating performance and be admitted (licensed) to conduct business in California.

In addition to meeting insurance requirements, the other party shall agree to specific contract provisions to hold harmless and indemnify and defend the University.  Written agreements between the University and another party shall be reviewed by Procurement, and all requirements shall be met before work commences, before products are delivered, or before facilities are occupied.  The University Risk Management department and Procurement and Contract Services will assist you in complying with all insurance requirements and securing the products and services you need.

  • Auxiliary Operation
  • Facilities Use (campus facilities use by off-campus organizations)
  • Food Service Providers
  • Hazardous Substances and Waste Removal Services
  • Student Placement 
  • Public Works 
  • Consultants
  • Service Agreements, Contracts, and Purchases (including Vendors and Contractors)
  • Contractors with Construction Risks
  • Environmental Contractors
  • Recreational Service Providers
  • Marine Pollution

General Liability

Cal Maritime protects its employees from claims and lawsuits for acts arising out of and in the course and scope of their employment (see generally, California Government Code Sections 825-825.6). If an employee commits acts that are outside the course and scope of their employment (i.e., sexual harassment or molestation) and/or are criminal acts, then those acts are not protected (see generally, California Government Code Sections 995-996.6). Lawsuits resulting in punitive damages, in accordance with state law, may not be paid by the University either (again see generally, California Government Code Sections 825-825.6).

The University participates in a state-wide self-insurance pool consisting of all the California State University system campuses known as the California State University Risk Management Authority (CSURMA). Contact the University Office of Risk Management for a description of the actual liability coverages provided in CSURMA's Memorandum of Coverage.

Claims administration for claims against the University is jointly handled by the University's Office of Risk Management and Driver Alliant Insurance Services. However, in accordance with statute and regulation, in order to effect proper legal notice, claims must be filed with the California Victim Compensation & Government Control Board

Requesting Evidence of Cal Maritime Insurance.

A Certificate of Insurance provides evidence that the University maintains appropriate insurance at the levels required by an off-campus entity. A Certificate of Insurance with an Additional Insured Endorsement provides evidence that the University maintains appropriate insurance at the levels required by an off-campus entity and extends insurance coverage to that entity.

When an academic department or administrative unit conducts an activity at an off-campus location, that department or unit will often receive a request for a Certificate of Insurance and/or an Additional Insured Endorsement. To request a Certificate of Insurance or an endorsement, please complete the Certificate of Insurance Request Form listed at top of page. If the off-campus entity is requesting an Additional Insured Endorsement, please e-mail or fax a copy of the contract or document showing the insurance requirement to 654-1076.

Requests for a Certificate of Insurance with an Additional Insured Endorsement will be processed only if the contract has been signed by a University employee with written delegated contracting authority according to Executive Order 775.

Most certificates of insurance or endorsements can be produced within ten business days. When the certificate of insurance or endorsement has been completed, copies will be sent both to the department or unit requesting these documents and to the off-campus entity requesting proof of insurance

Risk Management is the office that is contacted when someone on campus needs proof of Cal Maritime or its Auxiliaries insurance coverage.  This may be a request for "evidence of insurance" only, or for proof of insurance with a third party named as additional insured.

For off-campus activities only, the University maintains a Student Travel Accident Insurance policy. This coverage is excess to any which students have available and provides up to $10,000 for medical coverage.

Covered Persons:  Any California State University student, including students enrolled only in extended education programs of the California State University.

Hazard Insured Against:  Injuries to the insured while:  1) away from Campus or 2) traveling to or from or participating in a school sponsored activity.

School Sponsored Activity:  Travel or participation in activities off campus which:  1) is a part of a course requirement, or 2) is sponsored by a university auxiliary organization or other recognized student organization or club, or 3) includes travel to or from intercollegiate athletics events away from campus but does not include participation in such events or practices.

The California State University Risk Management Authority has negotiated a Foreign Travel Insurance Program policy for University faculty, staff, and students on University foreign travel. Premium rates for faculty and staff are $60 per member for trips up to 15 days duration and $75 per member for trips up to 30 days duration. Premium rates for students are $50 per student for trips up to 15 days duration and $60 per student for trips up to 30 days duration. These rates are approximate and may increase if the trip involves travel to, or through, any country considered to be a high hazard country as determined by our insurance underwriter. In order to obtain the insurance coverage and emergency assistance provided by this program, a request for Foreign Travel Insurance (FTIP) must be submitted to Risk Management 10 days prior to intended foreign travel. Please contact the Risk Management office for additional details.

Information about Filing an Accident Loss Claim (Tort) Against Cal Maritime

A claim against the California State University (CSU) or one of its campuses must be timely filed with the Office of Risk Management and Public Safety after the incident or event occurred, along with a $25 claim filing fee made out to "Trustees of CSU." Completed claims must be delivered or mailed to:

The California State University - Office of the Chancellor
Risk Management and Public Safety
401 Golden Shore, 5th Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802-4210

Be sure your claim is against the CSU, not another public entity. If the claim involves another state agency, the claim should be filed with the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board. If the claim involves a county, city or other local governmental entity or employee, the claim should be filed directly with the local city or county's governing board or clerk.

Visit the CSU Chancellor's Office of Risk Management and Public Safety website at: for further information or to obtain a claim form.

Procedures for Filing a Claim

  • Obtain a California State University Claim Form.pdf
  • Carefully read the instructions, complete the relevant sections of the form describing the circumstances in full detail that led to the alleged damage or injury, and include any related supporting documents, such as Police reports, medical documentation, estimates for repair, etc.
  • Make a copy of your claim package for your records and mail the original claim package with your payment of $25 (made out to "Trustees of CSU") to the CSU-Office of the Chancellor at the address above.
  • If you do not use the California State University Claim Form, you must provide sufficient information to process the claim and the request must be appropriately signed.
  • Under circumstances where you cannot afford to pay the $25 fee and you would like to request a fee waiver, you must attach an Affidavit for Waiver of CSU Filing Fee
  • File the claim within the required time limits. For tort or personal injury claims, the claim must be filed within six months of the date of the incident. For contract claims, the claim must be filed within one year of the date of the alleged breach of contract.
  • If the claim-filing deadline has expired, you may seek permission to file a late claim, but that request must be made within six months of the missed deadline. You must then file an Application for Leave to Present a Late Claim to the CSU


The University maintains property insurance with large deductibles to cover its real property against risk of fire, flood, and other loss. University owned business personal property (computers, laptops, copiers, etc.) is NOT INSURED. If a loss occurs to University business personal property, it is the financial loss of the owning department/college. If your department/college desires to insure its business personal property, please contact Risk Management for a quote. Unless Risk Management has provided you with documentation to the contrary, your business personal property is not insured.

There are many instances where employees bring personal property to campus for their business or personal use. This property may include but is not limited to art, office furnishings, special rugs for your office, radios, books, plants and photographs. Personal property or equipment brought to campus is the sole responsibility of the owner. The repair, replacement, or reimbursement of personal property is not considered to be the responsibility of the University. See Government Code Section 19850, et seq. as well as EO 649 and Equipment Management Guidelines Section 5.3 ("....If a University employee keeps personally owned equipment on campus.....The University is not responsible for loss or damage to the equipment") However, if an employee feels that they were harmed as a result of the negligence of the University, the employee has the right to file a claim against the State of California for loss or damage to personal property through the tort claims process. See Tort claims against the University for further information.

Protection of Minors on Campus

Risk Management manages the Protection of Minors on Campus, in Campus Housing, and Enrolled in Campus-Sponsored Programs, the purpose of which is to establish an atmosphere in which youth participants in campus and third party programs are protected from harm, and campus personnel are protected from false allegations of misconduct.

The Protection of Minors program consists of four parts: 1) the Policy and Procedure, 2) program registration, 3) required training, and 4) background checks in accordance with CSU Coded Memorandum HR 2015-08, Background Check Policy. Background checks and campus implementation of the background check policy are administered by Human Resources.

Links to important documents regarding the protection of minors on campus are in the "Key Links" box above. Questions regarding minors should be directed to either the Human Resources Department and/or the Department of Safety and Risk Management. 


Professional Liability Insurance – also known as Malpractice or Medical Malpractice, or Errors and Omissions is liability insurance to cover professional exposures for errors in the rendering of or failure to render professional services. This type of coverage is generally found in medical practice such as physicians, nurses and physical therapists, as well as for attorneys, and tax specialists.

Professional Services are those services which the general public does not or cannot have access and cannot do on their own, or in which the public routinely relies on the services of a trained professional. For example, a patient places total reliance on a physician, surgeon accountant, attorney, travel agent and the general public has no way of acquiring the skills, experience or access to the systems or information, hence the reliance upon professionals.


CSU Executive Order 986 issued August 24, 2006 established the SPLI program.

The Policy

The CSU has put into place an excellent professional insurance program for student fieldwork or practicum experience. The policy is renewed each year on July 1st and runs through June 30th of the following year. The coverage is effective ONLY for those internships which are directly related to and required by an academic, for-credit class. The policy covers those internships that are conducted during the summer, prior to the beginning of the class with which they are associated. The policy is underwritten by Lloyds of London, a highly rated and very solid insurer.

Certificates of Insurance

Many institutions will require evidence of insurance from the University showing that our students are covered by a professional liability insurance policy. You can request for a certificate of insurance (which shows evidence of insurance) by ) contacting the Risk Management office with the following information:

  • Company's name
  • Address
  • Point of Contact
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Date the insurance is needed

Check back soon, content still under development.


Release of Liability FAQS 

  • Releases of Liability, or "Releases" are legal documents that transfer responsibility for injuries and property damage to the participant
  • Releases must be read and signed by persons who voluntarily participate in University activities/trips that may have some additional risk
  • Releases protect University, faculty and staff from liability
  • ​​Releases inform the participants about possible risks associated with the activity/trip

The CSU Chancellor's Office requires the use of Releases to reduce the University's risk of liability from activities (see the CSU Handbook)

  • Releases are required for all campus planned or sponsored events, on and off campus, and based on a risk assessment
  • Releases are required for all academic field trips or other off campus activities and trips
  • ​Releases are required for participants when third-party groups rent facilities on University property (i.e.; community swim club participants, soccer camp participants)

  • No. There must be a Release form for each individual involved in the activity
  • ​Special arrangements can be made for activities where individual releases are not feasible (contact Safety & Risk Management)

No. Minors under the age of 18 cannot sign a Release; a parent or guardian must read and sign the Release on their behalf.

  • If you want to participate in the University activity/trip, then you must sign a Release
  • ​If you do not sign a Release, then you cannot participate

  • No. Legal requirements state that Release verbiage cannot be "fine print"; the CSU policy is that the Release font cannot be smaller than 12 pt.
  • ​Release documents must be a separate document from other informative paperwork

  • Original signed Release documents must be saved for three (3) years or until participant is 20 years, but they may be archived electronically after one (1) year
  • Academic departments must retain the Release records at their office for the required time
  • Student Organizations must submit their signed Releases to the Safety & Risk Management (SRM) office
  • ​Third-party rental groups or organizations should submit their signed Releases to the SRM office, or as specified in their written agreement with the University

  • Employees do not sign Releases while traveling for University Business (includes any paid employee, any paid student assistant, and any official volunteer)
  • Students who are unpaid and not employed by the University must sign Releases for all voluntary travel with the University (i.e.; academic field trips, conferences)
  • ​Students traveling for any voluntary reason must sign a Release (i.e.; student organization trips)

No. All campus events must use the CSU approved standard Release document

​​The standard Release cannot be altered, but you may request a customized Release document specialized for your activity/trip from Safety & Risk Management


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