Title IX Annual Reports
About the Title IX Coordinator
A Title IX Coordinator has the delegated authority from the President to receive sexual harassment/violence complaints.
The Title IX Coordinator monitors and oversees overall compliance with laws and policies related to nondiscrimination based on sex.
The campus Title IX Coordinator is available to explain and discuss:
- Cadets' right to file a criminal complaint (in cases of Sexual Violence)
- The University’s relevant complaint process
- Cadets' right to receive assistance with the complaint and investigative processes
- How confidentiality is handled
- Available supportive measures and
- Resources, both on and off campus and other related matters
If you have experienced Sexual Violence you are encouraged to seek immediate assistance from police and healthcare providers for your physical safety, emotional support and medical care.
The campus Title IX Coordinator is available to assist with notifying University police. University police can escort you to a safe place and transport you to a hospital or a sexual assault response center for a medical examination, if needed. University police can also provide access to a confidential sexual assault advocate. If you would prefer not to notify University or local police, you are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from the campus Title IX Coordinator who can provide you with information on your options, rights and remedies.
2023 - 2024 Title IX Annual Report
2022-2023 (Hiatus - reenvisioning the instrument)
2021-2022 Title IX Annual Report
2020-2021 Title IX Annual Report
2019-2020 Title IX Annual Report
2018-2019 Title IX Annual Report