Cal Maritime offers a comprehensive package of benefit programs.  Employees who meet the following criteria are eligible to participate in the benefit programs sponsored by the CSU: 

Staff/Management Employees

  • Appointed to at least half-time (.50) or more, and
  • An initial appointment duration of more than six months (six months and one day) 
  • For more information visit CSU Benefits


Faculty (Tenure, Tenure-Track, Librarians, and Counseling Faculty)

  • Must be appointed at least half-time (equivalent to 7.5 Weighted Teaching Units for academic year appointments).
  • An appointment of more than six months (at least six months and one day).
  • For more information view CSU Benefits


Temporary Faculty (Lecturers or Coaches)

  • Must be appointed for at least six (6) weighted teaching units (0.4 FTE).
  • An appointment of at least one semester.
  • For more information view CSU Benefits


Enrollment Process

You have 60 days from the date of the eligible appointment to enroll in a medical plan.  After 60 days, an employee has the opportunity to request enrollment either as a "Special Enrollment" or "Late Enrollment" event. Late Enrollment would require a 90-day waiting period for coverage to become effective.  Special Enrollments are usually effective the 1st of the month following submission of your enrollment form to the Department of Human Resources.  Please see the Department of Human Resources for further information regarding Special or Late Enrollment events.  Employees who enroll and wish to change from one plan to another may only do so during the annual Open Enrollment period.

You have 60 days from the date of the eligible appointment to enroll in a dental plan. After 60 days, enrollment would only be allowed during the annual Open Enrollment period.

A change in the employee's family status (i.e., birth, adoption, marriage, domestic partner, death) must be reported to the Office of Human Resources within 60 days of the event to avoid delays in benefit effective dates, including a delay until the following annual Open Enrollment Period.

To enroll or make changes to your insurance plans, please complete the Benefits Enrollment paperwork and  submit supporting documentation to the Department of Human Resources.


Eligible Dependents

Eligible dependents of an eligible employee include:

  • Spouse (unless legally separated or divorced)
  • Domestic partner (registered through the Secretary of State process)
    • State law allows, under specific conditions, for persons in the State of California to register non-marital relationships with the Secretary of State. This law also will recognize same-sex legal unions, other than marriage, validly formed in another jurisdiction that is substantially equivalent to a registered domestic partnership in California. Consequently, CalPERS will require information specific to the domestic partnership to determine whether or not a particular state/jurisdiction law will be recognized. Having obtained registration of the relationship, the law allows the registered individuals to obtain health benefits under the standard eligibility rules of the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). The California State University (CSU) elected to adopt the provisions of this law offering health care coverage (medical, dental and vision) for domestic partners of CSU employees and annuitants subject to the Secretary of State approval process and the CalPERS' acceptance process.
    • Current Domestic Partner Tax Dependent Certification Form.pdf
    • Domestic Partnership FAQs
  • Dependent children from birth to the end of the month in which the child reaches 26. A dependent child includes a stepchild, a natural born child, or a child living with the employee in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon the employee.
  • Dependents become eligible coincident with the Eligible Employee or upon attainment of dependent status. Newborn infants are eligible for medical coverage from and after the moment of birth. Adopted children are eligible for medical coverage from and after the moment the child is placed in the physical custody of the Eligible Employee for adoption.
  • A child over age 26, who is incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical condition that existed prior to age 26, may be included when you first enroll. You will need to provide the child's birth certificate and social security number. You must also submit a Member Questionnaire for Disabled Dependent Benefit Form (HBD-98) and your doctor must submit a Medical Report for the CalPERS Disabled Dependent Benefit Form (HBD-34) for CalPERS approval. You will need to update these forms periodically upon request. If the disabled child has a Social Security–approved disability you must also provide CalPERS with a copy of his/her Medicare card.