Citations & Appeals
Parking Citations
The fact that a vehicle is unlawfully parked shall be prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of such vehicle by the person in whose name the permit has been issued to, or, if no parking permit has been issued, then by the person in whose name the vehicle is registered with the appropriate Department of Motor Vehicles. Officers are not required to take pictures of the violation.
The Police Department does not process payments. Please contact PMB Solutions in order to pay a citation fee or appeal a ticket.
PMB Solutions
One University Circle
Turlock, CA 95382
If mailing a payment, note your ticket number and license plate on the check.
An individual who receives a parking citation must pay within 21 days of the date of issuance to avoid delinquent payment fees and loss of the option to dispute the citation. If the Notice of Parking Violation is not dealt with within 21 days, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a "Notice of Illegal Parking and Intention to Notify Department of Motor Vehicles". Failure to comply with provisions of the notification within 21 days may result in refusal by the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew the registration on the vehicle. Class registration, graduation and transcript holds may be placed for outstanding citations.
Assembly Bill 503:
Pursuant to the California Vehicle Code and the California State University Systemwide policy, payment plans for multiple citations or individual citations totaling $200 or more are available. For more information.
Disputing a Citation:
Disputing a citation must be done online.
The violators are entitled to participate in a 3-stage dispute process, Per CVC 40200. If the statutory time limits for the filing in each stage are not met, the opportunity to appeal is revoked and all parking penalties and late fees must be paid. If the violator has already paid the fine he or she has waived the right to dispute.
First Level Appeal:
To contest a citation, go online to Parking Management Bureau's (PMB) website and complete a Review Request Form. The Chief of Police or designee shall review the objection. The dispute will be reviewed within 21 days of receipt of the online form. The findings will be emailed to you within 21 days. The contestant is not held liable for the citation until a response to the appeal is received by email.
If you do not receive a response within 21 days, contact PMB at 800-700-4417. If your ticket is found "Valid" as a result of your appeal, you will have 21 days to pay the full amount due to avoid delinquent fines.
Second Level Appeal:
To contest the findings of the first level of the dispute, go online to Parking Management Bureau's (PMB) website within 21 days from receiving the determination of your first level dispute.
Print and mail the Second Level Dispute Form to PMB with applicable evidence and a check in the amount of the fine for each ticket being disputed. This is a required deposit by law that will be held until a determination is reached. If dismissed, the deposit will be returned to you.
If you are unable to send the required deposit, a Financial Hardship Waiver must be submitted in place of the deposit along with the required supporting documents. It will be approved or denied by the hearing examiner. If denied, a deposit will be due immediately. Police Services will contact you to schedule a hearing with the CSU Maritime Academy Hearing Examiner within 90 days if you request an "in person" hearing. If more than 90 days have passed, contact PMB 1-800-700-4417. Check the status of your request by searching for your ticket on the Home Page. If the status reads "Administrative Hearing/Court" the hearing is in the process of being scheduled by the campus pending determination.
Third Level:
If you wish to pursue this matter further, you are responsible for filing a dispute with the court in the county where your parking ticket was issued. You must also notify PMB by mail within 30 days of the hearing examiner's decision if you choose this option. The court requires a $25 processing fee.
PMB has partnered with Williams & Fudge, Accounts Receivable Management.
Unpaid parking citations that are over one year old are automatically sent to this collections agency. You will need to contact them directly to set up a payment plan:
- Williams & Fudge, Inc. Consumer Portal
- 800.849.3114